Monday, 25 June 2012

A man in uniform.

I've never subscribed to the whole 'I love a man in uniform' thing until about half-an-hour ago. I was driving Toddler to pre-school, rounded a bend in the road and saw a man crossing in what looked like a 1950's airline pilot uniform. As I rounded the corner and clocked him crossing I said 'Wow!' It just popped out like that-'Wow!' In the moments that followed I tried to analyse why I'd said it. The man in question was probably mid to late 50's, average build and looks. If he'd been in normal clothes I certainly wouldn't be writing about him now. Must have been the uniform.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

If I'd have known that it would be the last time I'd see you.

I feel as though I've been given a strange sort of 'gift'. My Mum who went to live overseas a couple of years ago has been staying with us whilst we've been renovating our house and making the transition to a family of four. She'll be 69 in a couple of months time and apart from being a type 2 diabetic seems to be in fairly good health. However she is nearly 70 and the plane ride is 23 hours long so I'm thinking that there is a higher than average probability that a day at the end of August may well be the last time we ever lay eyes on each other. Having this knowledge-What do you say? What would I have said to my Dad had I known that it would be the last time I'd see him. As it goes I think the last thing I said to him was probably 'Bye.' I've thought about writing this post for a while and it makes me cry every time I think about it. What to say? I'll probably stick with the time honoured 'Thanks for all your help. Love you. Bye.'

Friday, 22 June 2012

R.I.P. kettle

A couple of days ago our kettle just stopped working. I knew Him Indoors was out and about for work so I asked him to stop by one of the nearby supermarkets on his way home to pick up a new one.

He was asked to bring back a cream or clear kettle and this is what he brought back.

I made the point that that was not what I'd asked for.

But it goes so well with the splashback was the reply.

The light is slightly different in the two shots but they are indeed a near perfect match.

Don't you just hate it when they're right like that!

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Photo round-up (or Lazy mummy way to blog).

Oh dear...where does the time go? Near enough every day I say to myself, "Must get on with my blog, haven't written anything for ages," and then it's bedtime and another day has passed and I haven't done a thing except look after the house and children. Very important jobs I hear you say and yes they are but surely I must be able to fit something else into the day? I think my time management skills need a serious looking at. To that end this post will be a series of photos taken over the last few weeks that I could have turned into independent posts but just didn't have the time to. Here goes...

Rain, rain go away.

Onwards and upwards with the house renovation-next job to tackle-The Dining Room.
The 'Dorothy the Dinosaur' balloon that cost more than a King's ransom.

Rainy day art work.
Street party fun with Toddler A.K.A. Her Maj.

The Village gets into the Jubilee spirit.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Baby doesn't like the limelight.

A friend of mine in the village is very arty (I am not in any way arty). She's trying to get her photography up and running and has quite a bit of experience photographing older children but no experience photographing babies. She asked me if she could come round and do a shoot with Baby and I jumped at the chance. I offered to pay but my friend said to wait and see how it turned out first.

She's just left after spending a good couple of hours here trying to catch Baby at his best. He didn't smile once! Not once! He's not an overly smiley baby but he does have a great smile. (All babies do don't they?) I tried everything that normally makes him smile and nothing worked, nothing. My friend tried too and worked really hard to get some good shots. Baby fell asleep half way through the shoot for about 15 minutes so that explains a lot. He woke up and did some more shots on his tummy and then it was time for us all (Mummy, Toddler and Baby) to have some shots together. Still no proper out-and-out smile from Baby. I guess he just doesn't like the limelight.