Tuesday, 21 August 2012


I like to think that the World has an order of balance about it in most things. Yesterday the World did a great balancing job with the people I came into contact with.

There wasn't much love in the village yesterday for me, Toddler or the tandem buggy I was pushing around. I've never known a day like it! It began when I was attempting to wrestle the raincover out from under said buggy and put it on. Two men (about 60-65ish I'd say) who could have easily walked around the other way made a big point of walking/squeezing past. Then in the little supermarket (where they seem to be perpetually stacking the shelves) an elderly lady tried to squeeze past Toddler whilst simultaneously saying excuse me and lifting her basket directly over the top of her head! Toddler was standing as far to the opposing side as she could, the aforementioned shelf stacking causing an obstruction as they had parked the cage of goods to be stacked on the other side of the narrow aisle. Honestly! If you're going to care enough to say "Excuse me" why not care enough to wait for someone to move. Then I had a woman actually huff at us whilst leaving the check-out, again clearly not having enough time in her day to wait the 20 seconds it would have taken us to vacate the space for her. "You must have been doing something wrong." I hear you cry. Letting Toddler cause chaos perhaps? Whizzing the buggy uncontrollably up and down the aisles and through the check-out? Honestly, no, there was none of that. Like I said-never known a day like it!

Now for the balance. On the way home a workman blocking the pavement moved his wheelbarrow and all his 'Men at Work' signs so I didn't have to cross the road. A lady stopped her car to let me cross when she didn't have to and the old man I've known since Toddler was a baby (when he mistook her for a boy-we had a denim blue buggy and I always dressed her in tops and trousers) blew me a kiss from the other side of the road.

Balance restored.

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