A bit late on Listography this time around as the lurgy got me earlier in the week and I've just been playing 'catch up' ever since. Anyway, down to business...
Thanks to Kate for another great 'Top 5...' How does she think of all of them?
Here's my Top 5
1. Western political leader-just to see what really goes on.
2. A butterfly-all that life packed into such as short space of time!
3. A princess-to see how the other half live.
4. A published author-they say that we all have a book in us somewhere-don't know where mine is!
5. De Li from Waybaloo-that looks like a nice life.
If you'd like to link up and let the blogosphere know your Top 5 you can here.
Only problem beig a political leader is no one would like you!