The village is not very big (although compared to some it might be massive) and decent family-size housing stock can cost upwards of £600,000. We are most definitely not in the £600,000 bracket, we got a steal of a house at a good price due to the previous owner's relationship break-up (they wanted a quick sale) and the fact the house is on a busy main road. The developer who built our house in the 1930's also developed the road behind and that's where you'd have to have much deeper pockets than ours to buy a house.
My family never moved house whilst I was growing up and perhaps as a consequence of that I haven't stayed still since being an adult. There was a time (when I was still at university and subsequently making my first steps in the adult world) that I calculated that I had moved 14 times in 3 years!!!! It's never been quite that crazy since.
Perhaps I'm a bit of a nomad at heart. I don't tend to get very emotionally attached to bricks and mortar. Home is where my family are ultimately. Whenever I move somewhere I feel like the custodian of the property rather than thinking it's 'mine'.
Before we moved to our current house there was talk about moving to Kent where my mother-in-law lives. We even went to view some properties but nothing came of it. There is no more family in the village now other than my own, but a few good friends and lots of lovely locals.
Kent would realistically be the only place we would move to, to be near family-No moving to Devon or anything like that for us. I am aware that I do not want to move Toddler once she is in 'proper' school, so the window of opportunity to move is closing.
I love the village, the house is great, the schools are good, my friends are here, transport links are very good, I wouldn't have to drive the children everywhere as they got older...
So why do I still feel that tug to move occasionally?
I moved regularly for years for good and bad reasons, but at some point many people realise that they need a support system around them - I certainly do! As you say, once the toddler is in school and making friends, it is harder to move. Why do you want to move? Maybe you do need to fall in love with some bricks and mortar...