Sunday, 22 April 2012

Listography-Top 5 wishes for my child

I really enjoy reading the Kate Takes 5 blog and this week's listography is another cracker. Top 5 wishes for my child...that's got me thinking.

1. Not to be downtrodden by the world. I think it can be quite easy to let things grind you down. I think I'm specifically thinking about bullying when I say this. Toddler is such a happy-go-lucky soul at the moment and it would break my heart to see this chirpy, sunny personality get chipped away by negativity.

2. To have great friends. I've really not been in that many 'situations' in my life but the ones I have been in I've been damn lucky to have the friends I have.

3. Health. Nuff said.

4. To keep a love of music. Dancing, singing  and instruments. If you can express yourself through one of these mediums, even if your not that proficient or talented, your world is a good place.

5. Success. In whatever-the big things, the little things, school, relationships, profession, cooking etc. etc.


  1. Came across your blog via Listography and have joined in myself this week. Great post hun and some lovely answers. I think nothing is more important in life than health and of course good friends to share it with. xxx

    1. Hi Vikki
      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I'll drop by your blog in a sec. and have a look at your list.

  2. I couldn't agree more about health and your first wish. Great list.

    1. Thanks for leaving your comment Claire. Yep, if you don't have your health...

  3. Lovely list, I especially think No.1 is so important.

  4. Lovely - health and friendship - sounds good to me.

    1. Hi there Kate. Thanks for leaving your comment. x

  5. Great list its very true what you say in number 1 this is so important. Good friends so important to have xx

    1. Yep, all too easy to get pulled down by negative people, experiences etc.

  6. I second friendship and health for sure...what more do you need? :)

  7. I love your number 2. If only we could set them up for life with great true friends. I love that idea :) xxx

  8. Hooray! I've re-set some settings and now you can leave comments :) Oh, if only.

  9. Lots of lovely wishes there. I hope they all come true!

  10. Hi Laura. Thanks for stopping by and giving it a read.
