Thursday, 3 May 2012

The village in Village Mama UK

I realised recently that I've never explained my blog name. Why am I Village Mama? I'm in the fortunate (as far as I'm concerned) position that I've lived in the same place my whole life and up until roughly this time last year in the same house. When I say "...I've lived..." I mean in the sense of the family home has always been the same, at the same address. I've actually lived all over the place in England and even had an all too brief stint (2 years) in Spain. Up until last year four generations of my family had, since the early 1900's, occupied the same property so I suppose you could say the village is in my blood. This time last year we moved-but only across the road!

As you can imagine the village is very important to me and even more so now I'm a stay-at-home mum. Near enough everything I do has its roots in the village. Unfortunatley Toddler's pre-school is in the next town which is a drive away-shame, can't have everything. The village isn't even really a village in the rural sense as it's surrounded by fairly large towns. In my view it's a little oasis in the midst of its near neighbours. I could now go on to write a whole list of things that I love about the village but I won't because you get the picture already.

At times, when I have the time to think about it, I feel quite sorry for Him Indoors not to feel as connected to the place in which he lives as I do. How can you feel that connected to a place and community when you get up, go to work outside of that community, come home again and don't leave the house again until you go to work the next day? The only job I've ever had in the village was as a young teenager on my paper round. When the time comes again for me to go back to work I can only hope there's a job waiting for me somewhere in the village.

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